Print job metadata : Edge device to cloud or multifunction printer to cloud
Print job metadata is used for reporting purposes . Reports provide insight and an audit of print services use . Metadata includes print , copy and scan activity on printers or groups of printers , users or groups of users . It does not include the content of a document .
Storage |
Data at rest |
YSoft leverages several technologies to ensure stored data is encrypted at rest . Platform data is stored using AES-256 encryption . User passwords are hashed following industry best practices and are encrypted at rest . Certain email features work by providing an additional level of both at-rest and in-transit encryption |
Data Access Permiss ions & Limitatio ns
Access to customer data is limited to authorized Y Soft or Y Soft partner reseller employees who require it for their job and whose data access is logged and only in specific cases .
Secure portal communication between an administrator and the management portal using TLS / HTTPS , compatible with the version supported by the client .
YSoft SAFEQ Cloud may authenticate a user ’ s identity at the print device by verifying against a company ’ s directory . The device connects to Active Directory using an LDAP ( Lightweight Directory Access Protocol ) connector on the Edge device synchronized to the cloud service via secured line . The product does not access any user passwords or other private data . For cloud directories ( Azure AD ( Active Directory ), Google , …) standard OAUTH2 protocols are used .
For shared infrastructure customers , secured separation between tenants ’ User Directories are in place .
Use of Single Sign-on ( SSO ) allows you to authenticate users in your own systems without requiring them to enter additional login credentials to use the YSoft SAFEQ Cloud .
Internet security protocols
Browser access to the management portal is through HTTPS , using rolebased access within the application , authenticated via SAML , OAUTH2 and OpenID Connect industry standards .
Cloud SQL Database ( metadata )
Application metadata , configuration , job metadata , reporting and generic user information are stored in cloud provider ’ s managed SQL database . A very limited number of highly trained specialists responsible for application maintenance and management on an as-needed basis have administrator access to the databases . Access to the data is logged to cloud provider ’ s audit logs .
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